What do you want next year?

As the year comes quickly to a close its time to consider what went well last year, and what you want for next year. What items and successes can you build on moving into the future, and what needs to get left behind? There are likely things that you’d just as soon forget as well as those things you can’t wait to grow or do again.

At this time of year I like to make a list of everything that I was more than pleased with (both business and personal) over the past year, and of those things that I really didn’t like and never want to do again. Awareness is the key to getting what you want out of life and business. Awareness leads to intentionality.

Did you make enough money? Were you pleased with those you work with? Did you enjoy serving the customers you spent time with? Did you accomplish the goals you set a year ago? Were you able to strike a reasonable work life balance? What is the one thing that you really, really want to have happen next year?

Take the time to reflect on your success. What made it such a success? Think about how you felt. Relive that moment along with all of its emotion. Feel proud. Be proud. And then set your sights even higher. The New Year is a time to rekindle ambitions, set a new course if necessary, and build on past success.

I wish each of you the best of what life and business have to offer in the New Year. Keep up the great work and never stop learning!

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